Professional Green Keeping
Parallel to the gardening market, Vitax is also a key supplier of amenity products to the professional greenkeeper and groundsman, who maintain sportsturf on eg bowling greens, football, cricket and rugby pitches.
The driving force to establish these products from the 1960s onwards in the burgeoning leisure, recreational and sports market was my uncle, Douglas Gooding. Trained in agronomy, the science of cultivating and utilizing plants for various uses, Douglas was the Technical Director of Synchemicals Limited, and was completely dedicated to his chosen work. He found time, apart from his own research, to travel the country, enthusiastically lecturing to groundsmen, parks authorities , horticulturalists, Institute of Groundsmanship branch associations, indeed talking to anybody with a passion and interest in producing better plants or greener turf. In his private life, he was an excellent plantsman.
At exhibitions and in his countless talks and lectures on the subject of turf, road verges, fairways etc he expounded the use of weedkillers, insecticides and fungicides as a source of valuable technical assistance to sportsturf professionals in their work.
There was also a Synchemicals Spraying Division, which provided a spraying service to local authorities needing to apply these professional products from a fleet of landrovers fitted with spray booms. One notable local ( to London SE1) user was The Tower of London.
With greater emphasis on environmental issues and increased legislation, Vitax began to move away from these pioneer products from the 1980s onwards to increasingly focus on nurturing products to enhance soil conditions and strengthen the plant and grass in order to better resist disease and drought.