
Our Focus

Our focus is the promotion of horticulture to keen gardeners and the encouragement of the practice of good gardening.

There continue to be many traditional ways in gardening and yet at the same time good gardening practices are changing, particularly to reflect a growing awareness and commitment to environmentally sympathetic products.

The reintroduction and revival of past gardening methods can provide a key to meeting this challenge. As a business closely involved with the UK garden and horticultural markets for over 100 years, we place a high priority on developing products which will protect, nurture and respect our living environment.

Current initiatives Vitax is taking include the use and conversion of by-products.


Slug Gone, our award winning slug and snail deterrent, is one such example. Made entirely from shoddy, a by-product of the wool scouring industry, this is a natural recycled product converted into wool pellets to provide a highly effective slug & snail barrier. Slug Gone, which is long-lasting and naturally biodegrades to add fertiliser nutrients to the soil, is registered under the Soil Association Scheme and supports British Wool.

Organic Choice

The Organic Choice

Our aim is to offer gardeners the choice of effective, organic and alternative natural products which complement environmentally-conscious gardening.

To ensure that we meet the needs of today’s gardeners we are increasing investment into the research and development of premium quality, natural, organic and vegan products, which both help protect the growing environment as well as having high efficacy in the garden. Gardeners will find many of the products carry approval from either the Organic Farmers & Growers or the Soil Association.

Our range contains both Organic Fertilisers and Soil Conditioners and Organic Pest Control.

Traditional favourites include 6X Natural Plant Feed and Bonemeal alongside newly developed products Vitax Organic All Purpose Plant Food and Vitax Organic Tomato Food. To see our range of Organic Fertilisers and Soil Conditioners, click here.

In terms of Organic Pest Control, Vitax offer an organic way to control bugs and disease with our award winning Vitax Plant Guard and the Soil Association approved, Slug Gone natural wood pellets - which are the natural, organic way to keep slugs and snails at bay. To see the complete range click here.

Grow Tubes

Our diverse Vitax biodegradable range of planting accessories and essentials - pot covers, plant pots and tubs, mulch mats, stencils, tree guards, grow tubes, cabbage collars - are all produced from a natural by-product of the rag industry at our factory. They offer an environmentally friendly alternative to the use of plastics, artificial or insecticidal products.


6X fibrous compost and fertiliser. Poultry manure sourced from Somerset farms is the waste ingredient from which this unique fibrous product is produced. A traditional favourite among allotment growers and gardening societies, 6X puts back into the soil organic goodness and vital growing nutrients to produce outstanding results.

We are also committed to encouraging and supporting best practice in the garden trade. We offer via our website a vast source of good gardening ideas, information and inspiration to keen gardeners, we have a dedicated team of agronomists and customer carers, we regularly give free informative talks to the staff of our garden centre customers about the best use of Vitax gardening products...

Continuing the heritage

Continuing the heritage of helping the keen gardener since the 1950s

Eric Hutchinson, the first Managing Director of Vitax Limited, wrote the eponymous Vitax Gardening Book in the 1950s. Full of information, tips and ideas, the book proved to be a popular and invaluable guide to traditional gardening, and demand was such that the book was printed in a second edition.


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