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Keep up to date with the latest news from Vitax

Vitax appoints new Chairperson

15th September 2023

Vitax Limited is delighted to announce the appointment of a new Chairperson as it drives forward with its ambitious growth and investment plans.

Appointed by the Board of Directors earlier this month, Anja Gooding will take over the role from Paul Gooding following Paul’s decision to step down. Paul will remain as a Director of the Board.

A third generation, family-owned business, Anja’s appointment will see the fourth generation of the Gooding family take over the helm of the company.

Anja originally joined Vitax in 2005 and spent 16 years learning all areas of the business. She rejoined the company in 2023 and following her recent appointment as Chairperson, now assumes responsibility for the strategic direction of the company, as well as working alongside managing director and group CEO, Carl Welsh, on the day-to-day operations of the business.

“I am absolutely thrilled to be appointed as Chair and follow in the footsteps of Paul and the generations that have gone before, which have been the backbone of the company for many years,” says Anja Gooding, Vitax’s chairperson.

“I would like to thank my father for his guidance, energy and commitment for the past 43 years and building Vitax into the company it is today and look forward to continuing that success.”

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