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Keep up to date with the latest news from Vitax

Jumping into Christmas

8th December 2023

Vitax Skelmersdale

The Christmas spirit was in full flow at Vitax as it celebrated this year’s Christmas Jumper Day.

Raising essential funds for Save the Children, the annual event sees friends and colleagues showcase their favourite Christmas jumpers and get into the festive spirit.

To get everyone into the Christmas spirit, and to thank them for all their work and support this year, festive donuts were delivered to each office.

The collective funds raised across all the offices on the day will receive a matched donation from Vitax.

Anja Gooding, Vitax’s chair, says: “Christmas Jumper Day is a great way for our people to get involved in raising money for a really, worthwhile cause.  It’s been great seeing everyone in their Christmas jumpers!

“It is such a great initiative, easy to get involved in and helps ‘Save the Children’ to continue to support children who face serious issues such as poverty and hunger.”


For more information on Save the Children

Vitax Coalville

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